Keystone SDA

The trip, the unrest in Ukraine and the pandemic are polarizing feelings and emotions in Switzerland. It is a time when the Montag has undergone a slight transmission at the age of 2500 in the German language and Romandie.

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02. December 2024 – 09:18

(Keystone SDA) 70 Prozent der Befragten empfinden, dass der gesellschaftliche Zusammenhalt in de last Year abgenommen hat. More than half of the investment is a description of the Zuwanderung, share the Think Tank Pro Futuris of the Swiss Gemeinützige Gesellschaft and the Stiftung Mercator on the Montag with. A larger part of the Schweizerinnen and Schweizer start with Persons who have an experience of the Zuwanderung with a strong antipathy.

More than half of the stimulation of the energy takes place, the burden of individuals can be free of the pandemonium that is not visible. A foursome of lehne solche Einschränkungen ab, this is further.

Emotionally, there are strong polarizations when dealing with the social state, dealing with women and the sexual minority of the Schutz. The social state and the Gleichstellung-messe de Bevolkerung hohe Bedeutung zu. “More people are a bit Ausbau als een Abbau sozialstaatlicher Leistungen, die zum Preis von höheren Steuern,” wrote Pro Futuris.

The battle between the SVP and the SP is emotional, polarizing and antipathetic in position. I see other generations and politically active people with strong polarization.

People, the fact that they are active and have a high level of control and media, is the exposure to a strong polarizing effect. SVP-Wählende schätzen ich in Vergleich zu others Parteiwählern am wenigsten kompromissbereit ein. The highest Kompromissbereitschaft is a gem of young people on the market.

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